7th Grade Cyber Foundations I

Mr. Clifford Brown

Direct Communication to me
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Classroom Rules & Expectations Ppt


Cyber Foundations-I ('20-'21)

Weekly Class Schedule:

Group 1 Monday & Wednesday 10:12 am - 11:02 am

Group 2 Monday & Wednesday 2:22 pm - 3:12 pm

Group 3 Monday & Wednesday 12:34 - 1:24 pm

Group 4 Monday & Wednesday 1:28 pm - 2:18 pm

Conference Availability Time: 8:24 - 9:14 PM

Welcome to Cyber Foundations! The 7th grade class has recently changed from ICT I to a new curriculum focused on critical 21st Century skills. To help the school year get off to a good start, I would like to take this opportunity to tell you a little about the class.

Cyber Foundations is similar to classes students have taken in previous years in that we have routines, classroom rules, assigned seats, class work, tests, and grades. Cyber Foundations differs, however, in a few ways. First, because of the specialized software and tutorials used in class, all work must be completed in the computer lab. This means attendance is critical to students success. New tasks are presented daily and build in complexity throughtout  a unit. If a student falls behind schedule, he/she can make up during activity time

 Group Info 

Group 1: lcwqhgv

Group 2: 6sya6ss

Group 3: syywibe

Group 4: s4otf53

Group 4: h44nqvh

7th Activity wpvj3ph

Generate Meet link

Your class codes will get you into Google Classroom. This is your hub for all things related to my class. In addition, your google meet link will always be located on the home page (stream) in the top left corner under the name of the group.

Your Self-Join Links: Keyboarding Online

Group I Cyber Foundations-I https://www.edutyping.com/student/join#5F3148AE1F118

Group 2 Cyber Foundations-I https://www.edutyping.com/student/join#5F3148D93566F

Group 3 Cyber Foundations-I https://www.edutyping.com/student/join#5F3148F0E4F7B

Group 4 Cyber Foundations-I https://www.edutyping.com/student/join#5F31491153B2D

Accelerated Reading Link: https://www.getepic.com/Class code: tdh0775


School Name: Read at Home

Username: readnow

Password: myon


If the student is unable to take an AR Test, the Literary Analysis forms are below and can be email to his/her ELA teacher. Read Aloud/Audio books are not accepted.